Get to know me!
Hey, hey, heyyy.
It's me, Kimberly Johnson! Or as many others know me, Kimm. I am the face behind the camera who cheers you on, smile by smile. I travel the United States with my husband/co-shooter and daughter, but have a forever home in Southwest, Michigan. I am really big into creating memories, reading books and lots of hiking. When I am not eyes deep in editing albums and drinking coffee like it's going out of business -- I like to spend time with my family, treat everyday like Taco Tuesdsay, and explore new places.
I am so excited that you are here! If you aren’t afraid to be a little goofy, take a step out of your comfort zone to get the perfect shot, and maybe even get dirty in the process… I’m your gal!
You can follow our blog at: Navigating Outdoors